Angioplasty Ptca Cost in Gurgaon

Percutaneous Transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) is a medical term for describing procedure for normalizing blood flow to heart muscle after a heart attack.

Purpose of a Percutaneous Transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) procedure:

Here is a list of precautions that are necessary to be exercised if you are to undergo a PTCA procedure:

Post surgery, for proper recovery, patient has to follow a set of precautionary measures. Consuming healthy and easy to digest foods such as fruit juices, soups, oats, salads is advisable. Foods that improve hemoglobin count like dates need to be incorporated in daily diet. Due instructions are given as to how to keep the catheter insertion site infection free.

Experiencing the following symptoms post surgery are not normal, they should be reported to the doctor immediately: