Angioplasty Ptca Cost in Hyderabad

The procedure used to open up clogged coronary arteries is known as Coronary Angioplasty. Your coronary arteries play a vital role in keeping you healthy. Fatty accumulations on the walls of these arteries makes them narrow and sometimes also leads to blocking that area. Angioplasty procedure is found to be very helpful at such times.

Coronary angioplasty is used to treat for two main heart disorders namely -

Coronary Heart Disease (CHD)

Coronary heart disease is found to be lethal. The main symptoms of CHD are heart attacks and heart failure. When there is any blockage or interruption in the blood supply of the coronary arteries, it can lead to development of coronary heart disease. The fatty deposits on the walls of your coronary blood vessels are called as atheroma and this deposition process is called as atherosclerosis, which is a coronary disease. Atheroma is mainly caused due to smoking, high cholesterol, diabetes, and high blood pressure. Angioplasty is a very efficient procedure to remove these blockages and widen the narrowed blood vessels. Angioplasty performed before time can reduce the risks of heart attacks.


Angina is not a disease. When the blood supply in your heart muscles are restricted, it can cause an angina situation. Angina is chest pain that can be heavy, intense or tight. CHD can be one of the reason to cause angina. Chest pain can spread to your left arm, neck, and back. Along with the chest pain, you may also feel sick, breathless, uneasy, dizzy and tired.

Angina are of two types – unstable and stable. Stable angina can trigger when your heart is forced to work harder. It can be handled if you rest for sometime. Unstable angina is unpredictable. It can trigger anytime, even when your are resting. They last longer. Also, unstable angina do not respond to medical treatment always. Coronary Angioplasty becomes necessary at such times.