Appendix Removal Cost in Noida

An appendix is a blind ending intestinal tube in the right lower part of the abdomen. Sudden inflammation in the appendix makes it infected and swollen. An appendectomy surgery is required to remove the infected appendix.

A list of appendectomy surgery centers of Noida city is displayed below.

Inflammation of the appendix is called as appendicitis. This condition is usually acute on onset. Appendicitis is commonly found in children and adults. Most appendicitis cases require emergent need of a surgery to avoid rupture of the appendix in the abdomen. If the appendix ruptures, the nearby organs in the abdominal region might also get infected. Appendectomy Surgery becomes a necessity to avoid such damage.

A laparoscopic appendectomy surgery is one of the efficient method for removal of infected appendix. This surgery is done with the aid of a laparoscope. A laparoscope is a thin, flexible, tube-like device that contains a light and a lens to view the internal parts of your body. It may also have a tool to remove tissues from your body. These tissues can be collected and examined under a microscope for checking signs of disease.

A laparoscopic appendectomy surgery is less invasive and has more benefits for the patients. It is also known as a key hole surgery, where incisions of the size of a key hole are made. Laparoscope is passed through one of the key-hole to cut and remove the appendix. Patients may experience a quicker recovery after this surgery. This surgery can take a long time for implementation, but there is less bleeding and less pain involved.

After the laparoscopic appendectomy operation, your body needs some time to heel. If you get proper rest, you will heal faster. Your doctor will encourage you to walk on the day after surgery to diminish the risk of blood clots in your legs and soreness in your muscles. Patients must follow the necessary instructions and consume prescribed medicines as scheduled. Visit your doctor at-least once to keep a track of your recovery status.