Cystoscopy Urs Cost in Faridabad

Cystoscopy is a medical procedure that is implemented to detect abnormalities in the urinary tract. It is a minimally invasive procedure that does not consume much time. Also, through less invasive procedures, healing time and recovery time post procedure is drastically reduced. With the help of cystoscopy, doctor is able to diagnose urinary tract injuries, determine if the lining of urinary tract is healthy or not, check for tumors and detect blockages.

To reduce your efforts and time, we have compiled a list of hospitals in Faridabad below where cystoscopy facility is available.

Anesthesiologist will administer either local anesthesia or general anesthesia to perform cystoscopy. In most of the cases, anesthesiologist will inject local anesthesia. A cystoscope which is a long, highly flexible tube with attached high definition light source and camera at one of its ends, is inserted into the urethra. Small incisions are made on the lower abdomen through which cystoscope is inserted into the urethra.

From the site of urethra, cystoscope will be guided to the susceptible area like urinary bladder or uterus to examine its anatomical structure and thereby, detect presence of any abnormalities. Since, the cystoscope has attached camera and light, doctors are able to deeply examine internal structure of the body where the instrument has been guided to. Thus, the medical process helps in diagnosing urinary tract disorders.

People who experience symptoms such as pain while urinating, blood drops in urine, chronic pelvic pain, frequent recurring urinary tract infections etc. are the most probable candidates for cystoscopy.