Kidney Dialysis Cost in Gurgaon

Kidney dialysis is a treatment form for patients having improperly functioning kidneys.

Kidney dialysis is offered by the listed diagnostic centers and hospitals in Gurgaon. Rates and address details are included in the list below.

Hemodialysis is a form of dialysis. In a hemodialysis session, kidneys are detoxified for making them function to their normal capacity. Before starting a dialysis session, an opening needs to be started for accessing the skin. It helps the doctor to extract blood and then put it inside after filtration. A filter is then connected to a vein in your arm or hand. The dialyzer removes the blood for cleansing it. The blood is inserted back after it is ridden off toxins.

A dialysis session is usually conducted in 3 cycles per week. However, in that period, utmost care should be taken regarding the diet and medications. Observing the given precautions can benefit the person undergoing dialysis sessions: